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The CARES Lab at the University of Miami is dedicated to serving the cancer community through research, community engagement, and psychosocial support. Our mission is to ensure that every person lives as well as possible beyond a diagnosis of cancer. Quality of life is critical at every age, stage, and phase of care. The CARES Lab is housed in the Department of Public Health Sciences in the Miller School of Medicine and the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center. 


- Patricia I. Moreno, PhD

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In the News
Dr. Patricia Moreno appeared on Notices Univision 24/7 to discuss a recent study published by Sung and colleagues in The Lancet Public Health that shows that millennials and generation X have a higher risk of developing 17 types of cancer compared to older generations. Read article here
Dr. Heidy Medina received a Loan Repayment Program Award from the National Cancer Institute for her cutting-edge research at the intersection of cancer epidemiology and survivorship. Congratulations, Dr. Medina!
In the News
Dr. Patricia Moreno appeared on “Be the Best You,” a health program and partnership between Island TV and the University of Miami designed to address health inequities in South Florida and beyond. She discussed mental wellness and survivorship among individuals with cancer in the Haitian and Afro-Caribbean community.
On a Podcast
Dr. Patricia Moreno and Dr. Gilberto Lopes appeared on an episode of the OncoDaily podcast, "Beyond the Cancer Diagnosis." They spoke about emotional and social challenges that often accompany the diagnosis and treatment of cancer and the recent announcement from Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales.
In the News
Dr. Patricia Moreno appeared on CBS News Miami to discuss a recent announcement from Kate Middleton, Princess of Wales, regarding her cancer diagnosis. She reflected on the emotional impact of cancer and how parents can discuss a diagnosis with young children.
In the News
Our recent study examining the influence cardiometabolic comorbidities on health-related quality of life among Hispanic/Latino cancer survivors was recently highlighted in CURE Magazine. Dr. Moreno discussed the importance of heart-healthy behaviors and the need for community-level interventions to support the adoption of healthy lifestyle changes.
New Role
Dr. Patricia Moreno was recently been appointed as Associate Editor of Psycho-Oncology, the official journal of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society that focuses on the psychological, social, behavioral, and ethical aspects of cancer. 
Dr. Marcia Tan at the University of Chicago received the 2024 Leading the Narrative Award from the Society of Behavioral Medicine for her article, "How to help someone you love quit vaping
." Dr. Tan is a longtime collaborator in our work partnering with community health workers, including our V Foundation grant. Congratulations, Dr. Tan!
Dr. Heidy Medina received the GRASP Advocate Choice Award for her poster presentation, "Infertility and Psychological Distress among Adolescents and Young Adults with Cancer: The Mexico Cancer Survivorship Registry," at the 2024 Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos Conference. GRASP (Guiding Researchers and Advocates to Scientific Partnerships) is a patient-led organization that brings together patients, clinicians, and researchers to exchange ideas and learn from each other to accelerate scientific 
breakthroughs. Congratulations, Dr. Medina!
In the News
In a new blog post, Drs. Moreno and Penedo outline what cancer survivors should know about survivorship research, including how survivorship research addresses common challenges that cancer survivors face and how survivors can participate in ongoing research studies.
In the News
Dr. Moreno was interviewed about the emotional impact of cancer in a Univision Primer Impacto feature about
Angela Torres, a two-time cancer survivor and patient advocate who is using her experience to raise awareness and help others in her Bronx community. This feature is in Spanish. 
In the News
Dr. Moreno was interviewed by Cure magazine about immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs), a class of immunotherapy for patients with cancer. She advises patients to maintain open communication with their care team, be aware of potential symptoms and complications, and consider clinical trial opportunities that align with their treatment goals and values. Read article here
New Role
Dr. Sarah Worch has accepted a position as Assistant Professor of Psychology in the College of Arts and Sciences at Lynn University. Congratulations, Dr. Worch!
In the News
Dr. Heidy Medina published a study in Cancer examining the incidence of endometrial cancer among Black women in the U.S. and the French Caribbean. Findings underlie the need to move beyond ancestry and genetic factors and examine social factors, such as diet and access to care, that may drive disparities. Dr. Paulo Pinheiro is senior author and Drs. Frank Penedo, Tulay Koru-Sengul, and Matthew Schlumbrecht are co-authors.
New Funding
Dr. Moreno was awarded a two-year, $200,000 research grant from the V Foundation to address critical disparities in advance care planning by partnering with community health workers (CHWs) to support and empower Black and Hispanic/Latina women with breast or gynecologic cancer. The goals of this study are to develop and test a training curriculum for CHWs that promotes ACP conversations. Drs. Marcia Tan, Mariana Khawand-Azoulai, and Heidy Medina are co-investigators on this grant.
In the News
Dr. Moreno participated in a White House briefing on efforts to improve detection, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer in at-risk communities by addressing gaps in screening, medical mistrust, environmental exposures, and patient navigation. The National Minority Quality Forum (NMQF) Cancer Stage Shifting Initiative is an initiative designed to support and closely align with the goals of the Cancer Moonshot.
Dr. Heidy Medina was selected to participate in the Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Training (MHRT) Program at the University of Miami School of Nursing. This NIH-funded T37 program will allow Dr. Medina to conduct research at the Instituto Nacional de Cancerología (Mexican National Cancer Institute) under the mentorship of Dr. Oscar Galindo. Congratulations, Dr. Medina!
In the News
Dr. Michael Antoni led a seminal paper published in the Annual Review of Psychology on the importance of stress management to improve physical and emotional health among cancer patients and survivors. Dr. Moreno is a co-author.
In the News
Dr. Moreno traveled to Capitol Hill with colleagues from the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center to support the Comprehensive Cancer Survivorship Act sponsored by U.S. Representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL). This key legislation aims to improve quality of life and health among Americans affected by cancer.
In the News
First Lady Dr. Jill Biden visited the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center in October to meet with faculty, staff, and patient advocates and raise breast cancer awareness. Dr. Moreno highlighted initiatives regarding quality of life among individuals living with metastatic breast cancer and the importance of incorporating the patient’s voice in cancer care.
New Funding
The University of Miami Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center has awarded our team $75,000 as part of their NCI/NIH K Immediate Grant Funding Program. This funding will allow us to significantly increase the sample size of the randomized controlled trial in Dr. Moreno's career development award (K01) from the National Cancer Institute.
Dr. Moreno has been chosen as a recipient of the 2022 Early-Stage Investigator Award from the Academy of Behavioral Medicine Research (ABMR), an organization founded in 1978 dedicated to the application of biobehavioral science in medicine.
In the News
Dr. Moreno served on a panel with First Lady Dr. Jill Biden on February 23rd in San Antonio, Texas to discuss how the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center is addressing quality of life in cancer care and her research to reduce disparities among Hispanic/Latinos.
A poster presentation by Ashley Maras, "Cardiometabolic Comorbidities in Hispanic/Latino Cancer Survivors: Prevalence and Impact on Health-Related Quality of Life and Supportive Care Needs" was selected for the early-career rapid fire session at the Advancing the Science of Cancer in Latinos Conference in San Antonio, Texas. Congratulations, Ashley!
In the News
Dr. Moreno was interviewed by Enrique Rodriguez from Univision in a feature about the importance of support from partners and family members among women coping with breast cancer. Research demonstrates that social support is protective and plays a crucial role in improving emotional wellbeing and quality of life. This feature is in Spanish. 
New Funding
Dr. Moreno was awarded a five-year career development award (K01) from the National Cancer Institute to improve early integration of palliative care among Hispanics/Latinos with metastatic cancer. The goal of this project is to increase access to high quality, guideline-concordant palliative care alongside cancer treatments (e.g., chemotherapy, radiation) in order to effectively manage symptoms and side-effects, enhance quality of life, and ensure patients live as well as possible following the diagnosis of stage IV cancer.
New Funding
Dr. Marcia Tan was awarded a one-year research grant from the NCI-funded University of Chicago Interdisciplinary Cancer Health Disparities P20 SPORE to train community health workers to increase advance care planning among black women with breast cancer. Dr. Moreno is a co-investigator on this grant.
New Position
Dr. Moreno is excited to announce that she transitioned to a new position at the University of Miami on March 1, 2021. She is Assistant Professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences at the Miller School of Medicine and Lead of Evidence-Based Survivorship Supportive Care in the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center.
Breast Cancer Community Forum
Along with Claudia Tellez, MD (Northwestern University) and Rosalinda Alvarado, MD (Rush University Medical Center), Dr. Moreno will be a panelist at a community forum on breast cancer on Saturday, October 17. Presentations will focus on breast cancer treatments and surgeries along with the challenges and emotions faced by cancer survivors. This virtual presentation in Spanish is made possible thanks to the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Latin Association for Assistance and Prevention of Breast Cancer (ALAS-WINGS).
New Funding
Our team was awarded a second year of funding from the American Cancer Society (ACS) - Institutional Research Grant to conduct a three-arm randomized controlled trial to examine the effects of Cognitive Behavioral Stress Management (CBSM), Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), and usual care on quality of life among women living with metastatic breast cancer. Dr. Frank Penedo at the University of Miami is co-principal investigator of this grant.
New Funding
Drs. Elaine Cheung and Eve Feinberg were awarded a two-year research grant from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM) to characterize fertility concerns among women physicians in academic medicine and model the cost-effectiveness of oocyte vitrification ("egg freezing") for deferred reproduction. Dr. Moreno is a co-investigator on this grant.
New Funding
Dr. Ann Marie Flores and Dr. Moreno were awarded a Cancer Control and Survivorship Catalyst Pilot Grant from the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center (RHLCCC) to characterize health-related quality of life and assess unmet comprehensive care needs in head and neck cancer survivors treated at Northwestern Medicine. Dr. Bharat Mittal, Chair of the Department of Radiation Oncology, is co-investigator on this grant.
New Funding
Dr. Moreno was awarded an American Cancer Society (ACS) - Institutional Research Grant pilot award through the Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center that aims to optimize quality of life in women living with metastatic breast cancer by examining the feasibility and preliminary efficacy of an Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) intervention tailored to meet the unique needs of this population. Dr. Frank Penedo at the University of Miami is co-principal investigator of this grant.
In the News
Dr. Moreno was interviewed by Everyday Health about support groups specifically for women living with metastatic breast cancer. The article focuses on how these groups differ from other breast cancer support groups and factors patients may want to consider before joining.
New Funding
Dr. Moreno was awarded a diversity supplement (R01MD010440, MPIs Griffith & Paasche-Orlow) from the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD) to conduct a comprehensive study of meaning and purpose in life in English- and Spanish-speaking primary care patients with varying levels of health literacy. Drs. James Griffith and David Cella are co-primary mentors on this project.
Blog Post
Dr. Elaine Cheung and Dr. Moreno wrote a blog post regarding "Couples Coping with a Biopsy," a study funded by a two-year grant from the John Templeton Foundation - Pathways to Character Project that prospectively examines the effects of a new cancer diagnosis on both the patient and caregiver as well as their relationship as a couple.  
Increasing Representation
Dr. Moreno presented an overview of her career trajectory as a Latina woman in science and research examining health disparities among Latinos at UT Health San Antonio as part of the 2018 ¡Éxito! summer institute. Funded by the National Cancer Institute (R25CA134301), the ¡Éxito! Latino Cancer Research Leadership Training Program aims to increase the number of Latino master's-level students and health professionals who pursue and complete doctoral degrees in cancer control and survivorship research.
Featured Research
A study conducted by our team and collaborators at UT Health San Antonio examining the relationship between satisfaction with cancer care and quality of life among Latino cancer survivors was featured on the Northwestern University Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center website.  
New Funding
Dr. Elaine Cheung and Dr. Moreno were awarded a two-year, $225,000 grant from the John Templeton Foundation - Pathways to Character Project to conduct a study that prospectively examines the effects of undergoing a diagnostic biopsy and receiving a new cancer diagnosis on couples.  
International Collaboration
Dr. Frank Penedo and Dr. Moreno were awarded the Health & Behavior International Collaborative Grant from the American Psychosomatic Society (APS) to support our collaboration with Dr. Manuel Ortiz at the Universidad de La Frontera in Chile.

© 2023 by Patricia I. Moreno, PhD.

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